Since 2007, I have used as a platform to collect my notes, critical thoughts and records from a number of international conferences and festivals, including Subtle Technology Festival. The latter was the reason I started to compile the blog, hosted by Noemalab, a major hub for the exploration of the nexus Arts/Science/Technology based in Europe. became a useful tool to promote Subtle Technologies outside of Canada and was welcomed very positively by the international art and science community.
I have participated in the Subtle Technologies Festival since 2002, first as a volunteer, then as a curator and program advisor. While I frequently participated as animator and panel discussant, in various occasions I also acted as curator of special events within the festival.
on June 2 2011 I organized the series of experimental screenings “Hidden Worlds” with special guests Marco Mancuso and Claudia D’Alonzo.
In 2013 I introduced a creative panel format whereby a group of artists and technology experts responded to a keynote speakers using their professional expressions (art, performance or technology).Elaine Whittaker, Lisa Carrie Goldberg, Eric Boyd and Alejandro Tamayo responded to keynote Veronica Hollinger on the topic of Immorality .
In 2014, with Jim Ruxton and Zulfikar Hirji I coordinated a satellite event focused on DiY and Citizenship Science at the annual CASCA conference held at York University.